Tuesday 15 March 2016

evaluation- Q1

Titles: we called are titles carbon pictures, this is supposed to connote the aspect to racing due to carbon being an alternative fuel source and i bi product of petrol. We also had atmosphere entertainment this is to resemble the actual atmosphere at a typical race tournament.

We used the default designs on are editing software, we had a look though all the options and chose the best ones that would match are title names and also help enhance the car action genre.

We both looked at different films to help give us ideas of are titles and rush was probably the largest influence we had.

Credits: Are credits are mainly based on the ideas from rush but we also got help from watching other AS level film openings, the names we used are mostly people that actually helped with are film production and a few are people that just asked to be on the credits.

Characters: We had one protagonist, but he was shown throw 2 different times of his life, when he was young and a new racer, this connotes the stereotype of a racer being young, fit and healthy. And then we are shown the same man through his mid age time were he is portrayed as an older man as he uses a walking stick, this could also show injury which is what we were going for.

Setting/Location: We were restricted with are location mainly because both me and Alex live to far away from each other so we reduced are filming to the Silverstone track and around are college

These locations were actually perfect,  as the track is probably the largest and best location that perfectly represents the racing genre and is within traveling location for both of us.

Costumes: we had two costumes we had the race gear for the young driver, which consisted of a racers jumpsuit, race boots, race gloves and a helmet. this costume shouts racer and defiantly connotes the conventions of a racing film.

we then had the midle aged man, who was wearing a trilby hat, fingerless gloves, a black trench coat, a blue shirt, purple chenos, black chelsy boots and a skalf. this show an older look and shows he has grown up more.

Camera work: the camera is used in many different ways and when we were showing the older man we used close ups to show more specific detail, and we don't show his face till the end to give the audience an aspect of mystery.

editing: we used a lot of editing and we mainly used simple cuts or fades to show a change of time, location and atmosphere. we used a faster pase of editing when are protagonist was a young driver to show tension and to show he was a younger more able man and cold move at a faster pase, and we used slower editing when he was a middle aged injured man as he is less able and also older

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