Tuesday 15 March 2016

evaluation- Q5

  1. we used close ups to create mystery when filing the older man
  2. we used fast past editing to create tension and excitement
  3. we used target audience research to find out what they liked and didn't like
Are target audience research came back positive but still with some improvements that could have been made.

1. did you like it?
all the patisapants said yes

2. which title did you like best

carbon pictures? 2  voted for this
cp productions? 2 voted for this
atmospher entertainment? 7 voted for this

3. out of ten what would you raite are film, 1 being bad 10 being good?

1- 0 voted
2- 0 voted
3- 0 voted
4- 0 voted
5- 1 voted
6- 5 voted
7- 3 voted
8- 2 voted
9- 0 voted
10- 0 voted

4. what would you change?

we had a mixed result of answers here:

we got asked to change the car because it dosent co-respond with the time it is set in.
we were told there where to many shots of clothing.
to make the shots smother and more clean.
have more shots of the car.
have more background sound.

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