Monday 23 November 2015

Planing: ideas

planning ideas
First Idea
  • Narration of current character
  • I was only 19 when I saw my dad being taking to hospital, i didn't know this would be the last time i ever saw him alive. (muffled coughing
  • Cuts between now and flashback
  • Up and coming racer crashes because dad dies, now he's back for first race since injury
  • WAS:young, over confident (stupid because young), not afraid of anything.
  • brother telling him there dad died.
  • Filming pictures of dad and son
  • Walking towards car, getting ready for the race.
  • Newspaper, "CRUSHING NEWS, young racer's dad dies of cancer, leading to a near-fatal crash
Showing crash - long shot of car, commentator talking over it . cuts to black screen with crash sound happens and echo's out, then fades to several newspapers in a close up and medium shots, with sirens and screams. Narration over the top?

Second Idea:
engaged girlfriend: just broke it off,
Filming pictures of gf and bf

Third idea
  • Driver out of racing
  • injured bad
  • Narration over the top - "the worst thing that could of happened to me, happened 10 years ago on this day"
  • "But it wasn't too bad, as now I own the greatest racing team in f1, and this is my story of my days in racing, and my days after"
  • Owns a racing team now

Forth idea

Filming pics of dad, coughing, crys, he dies.
racer is heartbroken, but he has a race coming up so he needs to get his head sorted.

"It was the day before my big race when my life was turned upside down" dad dies

"Now i have to do my dad proud, and answer all the critics that thought i wouldn't race"

"This is my time, im doing this for my dad" FADES TO BLACK, TITLES COME UP 


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